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Momtchilovtsi - revisited

For hotels in Momtchilovtsi, please visit this address: [
:: Momtchilovtsi ::
In Momtchilovtsi for a week
:: In Momtchilovtsi for a week ::
Hotel / restaurant Shipka
:: Hotel / restaurant Shipka ::
The kids of Momtchilovtsi
:: The kids of Momtchilovtsi ::
Momtchilovtsi's panoramic road
:: Momtchilovtsi's panoramic road ::
Pentchovski tchutchur
:: Pentchovski tchutchur ::
Inside and out, one of Momtchilovtsi's houses
:: Inside and out, one of Momtchilovtsi's houses ::
Colonel Vladimir Serafimov
:: Colonel Vladimir Serafimov ::
Rojen observatory
:: Rojen observatory ::
The chapel of prophet saint Ilia
:: The chapel of prophet saint Ilia ::
The ayazmo
:: The ayazmo ::